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The AZ-D gang with Don and Dan from DMC Garden Grove. Viewed: 1477 times.
| Nancy from DMC-GG who was handy to take orders. Viewed: 1354 times.
| The Cruisin' for a Cure car show on Saturday... Viewed: 1353 times.
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You don't see orange D's very often. Viewed: 1260 times.
| A very rare (1 of 2) Vector prototype. Viewed: 1353 times.
| Johnny standing next to the Vector. Viewed: 1303 times.
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The interior of the Vector. Viewed: 1281 times.
| Ben with the creator/owner of the Vector, Jerry Weigert. Viewed: 1247 times.
| In line to enter Universal Studios Hollywood. Viewed: 1322 times.
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