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DeLorean Motor Company - Texas Viewed: 1172 times.
| Arriving at the hotel, members of AZ-D meet up with members of the Northern CA DeLorean Club in the lobby. Viewed: 1210 times.
| Arriving at DMCH on Friday for an evening with Fred Dellis of Legend Industries. Viewed: 1153 times.
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Inside DMCH near the service bays. Viewed: 1214 times.
| During a slideshow presentation by Fred Dellis, he shows what the factory twin turbo would have been capable of. Yea, that's not stock. Viewed: 1223 times.
| VIN 20104, the final regular production DMC-12 assembled at the factory. It was also entered in the Millennium Concours competition. Viewed: 1159 times.
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Yes, 20104 can be yours, but bragging rights come at a premium! Viewed: 1117 times.
| In the Hotel bar after an evening at DMCH, AZ-D, along with Rob Grady, get down to some serious partying. Viewed: 1232 times.
| Displayed like trophies. we were proud of our drinking accomplishments. Viewed: 1415 times.
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