The AZ-D 2005 Holiday Party - Dec. 10th  

What, no beef doughnuts? ;-)

From: Marv   (Sun Dec 18 02:57:29 2005)
This "map" was on the wall at the Cracker Barrel in Kingman, where we stopped for lunch on the way home. Couldn't resist the photo or the caption. Daniel, thanks for preserving both!

From: Wiston   (Sat Jun 29 09:33:57 2013)
I think that Utah takes it even further than free lunehcs . Its called child care . Children who are not capable of attending school as normal kids do (like walk there, study, participate in discussions etc) are encouraged to (maybe even required) attend. There is a child in our neighborhood that has Down's Syndrome. She cannot talk, is inattentive, not potty trained, is wild acting, like ADD or whatever its called. She has been in the public school since first grade and is now in the third or fourth and since she has not improved at all, there is a paid aid that is assigned to sit with her all day and take care of her. This gives her mother 7-8 hours daily of Elena free time to go shopping, volunteer at the Temple or whatever she wants to do during the school year as long as she is home when school lets out. She has to take care of her during the summer and spring breaks but other than that, she has school funded day care . The lady next door fought all the way to the Governor back about 20 years ago for her daughter who was totally retarded, could not walk or control her body movements, could not talk and was completely non-responsive to anything and Marie wanted her to be allowed to go to the public school. She ended up at 14 or so in a home because they could no longer take care of her, but she thought the public school owed her an education or baby sitter .I would rather provide lunch than what Utah does. However, I agree, take away the free lunch or even the paid ones and make them carry lunch or go hungry. There are exceptions to the parents will make sure the kids get something to eat, but if they actually checked, they would find that an awful lot of the free lunehcs should not be (lets not forget the free breakfasts) provided.Good point, SRO, I guess you see it happening.

From: Loly   (Sat Jun 29 19:38:22 2013)
Kevin: After watching you eat all these years, know for sure that you would eat ainthnyg that doesn't crawl off your plate. Seems like Ken is having the harder time since he is even pickier that me. He picks beans out of chili but now will eat something that looks like it died on his plate and and is decomposing. YukI lost 31 pounds last July simply because the hospital food was SOOOOO bad I could not force it down, no way, it was realllly bad. Have gained about 8 pounds back but eat what I like now just not as much, and shoveling snow helps.But, whatever works. Just seems like its highly repititious and what are Lentils ? He will get tired of the same ol same ol and give it up.Look like some kind of beans to me but the boy is scuffing them right up.I shudder to think what he would have done with brussel sprouts when he wasMUCH younger. Obviously none of the 4H stuff has mayonaise on it.

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