AZ-D Annual Holiday Party - December 15, 2007

Once again, our Hospitality Director, Richard Federico, hosted the AZ-D Holiday Party and we had a great turnout!

The "Going the Distance Award" was presented to: Chris Mack

The "Longest Yahoogroup Post Award" presented to: Ben Ferguson

The "Community Awareness Award" presented to: Gary & Pat Adams

The "Founding Members Award" presented to: Richard & Kathy Federico

The coveted "Key Member Award" presented to: Laura Halladay

The Key Member award was presented by last year's recipient, John Spangler.

All four of the Key Member Award recipients pose for a picture (R-L, Daniel, Johnny, John, & Laura).

All of this year's award recipients!

It's Gary's turn to choose a  gift during the gift exchange.

Hey, that's Corvette wrapping paper on Jason's gift!

Laura can't wait to see what Hugh chose as his gift!

Just before Richard realizes that the box does not actually contain a stereo!

Bob eagerly awaiting what might be in the bag that Deni chose.

Before it was "stolen", Daniel's first gift was the picnic backpack with wine included!

Steve marvels in the gift that seems to be something called: a vacuum cleaner?

Tom poses next to his very own Time Machine replica and the new portable AZ-D sign.

Yep! That's our Johnny!

Everyone stares at the Time Machine. Strangely absent from this picture is... the Time Machine!

Oh...there it is!

We all wander around the cars outside and successfully end another Arizona DeLorean Club Holiday Party.